The Ultimate Guide To SSD VS HARD DRIVE


SSD stands for solid state drive. It is just an oversized and more sophisticated version of a USB memory stick. There are no moving parts in SSD like a memory stick. Data is stored in microchips. An SSD uses NAND based flash memory which is a non-volatile memory. Means data are not forgotten when you turn off your computer. SD does not have any moving components like HDD to read and write data. Instead, it has microprocessors embedded in it to perform an operation required to read and write data. The processor is the key factor in determining the speed of SSD. The decision it makes how to store, cache, clean up and retrieve data determine the speed of the SSD.


Since the speed of SSD depends upon the controller embedded in it. Today fast controller available are; the SandForce SATA 3.0 (6GB/s) SSD controller that can reach speeds up to 550MB/s read and write speeds. 
The next Gen SandForce 3700 family of controllers was launched in late 2013 and is claimed to reach speeds of 1,800MB/s read/write sequential speeds as well as 150K/80K random IOPS.



SSD is available in different sizes in the market. Standard sizes available in the market is
SSD comes in standard sizes of 1.8’’, 2.5’’, and 3.5’’.


Advantages of SSD are;

  •      Impact resistance (in the case of drop from hand it can survive).
  •      Long life span.
  •      Low power consumption.
  •     High speed.
  •     Light in weight than HDD (typical SSD weighs 80g).

 Drawbacks of SSD are;

  •   Costly because new technology.
  •   Available in Small capacity up to 1TB.


The HDD is a traditional storage device. Nearly 60 years old technology. HDD uses magnetism to store data on the rotating platter. Read, write heads float upon spinning platter to read and write data. The faster the platter spins faster the data is read or write.



Typical laptop HDD toady can spin at 5400rpm,7200rpm and some and some server based HDD spins at 15,000 RPM.


Most common sizes of hard drives (HDD) which are available in the market are 2.5’’and 3.5’’.

The HDD is;
Ø  Easley available
Ø  Cheap
Ø  Available in large capacity (up to 6TB)


Ø  Since HDD is a mechanical device, chances of wear and tear are present (life span usually of 5 t0 6years).
Ø  Mechanical damage of HDD will result in loss of data.
Ø  Because HDD consists of moving components speed of data access is limited.
Ø  Power of HDD consumption is more.
Ø  More weight than SSD (typical 2.5’’HDD has 115g weight).

Which One Is Better?

There is no absolute rule to say which is better than another. It purely depends upon customer requirements and budget. If you need large data to store, speed, power consumption and weight of laptop are not serious issues, then you should purchase HDD. If you have no budget issue and you need high speed. Lightweight computer and lower power consumption than go for SDD.

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